A comprehensive study of the advanced retrieval augmented generation techniques and algorithms, systemising various approaches. The article comes with a collection of links in my knowledge base referencing various implementations and studies mentioned.

Since the goal of the post is to make an overview & explanation of avaliable RAG algorithms and techniques, I won’t dive into implementations details in code, just referencing them and leaving it to the vast documentation & tutorials available.


If you are familiar with the RAG concept, please skip to the Advanced RAG part.

Retrieval Augmented Generation, aka RAG, provides LLMs with the information retrieved from some data source to ground its generated answer on. Basically RAG is Search + LLM prompting, where your ask the model to answer the query provided the information found with the search algorithm as a context. Both the query and the retrieved context are injected into the prompt that is sent to the LLM.

RAG is the most popular architecture of the LLM based systems in 2023. There are many products build almost solely on RAG — from Question Answering services combining web search engines with LLMs to hundreds of chat-with-your-data apps.

Even the vector search area got pumped by that hype although embedding based search engines were made with faiss back in 2019. Vector database startups like chroma, weavaite.io and pinecone have been built upon existing open source search indices — mainly faiss and nmslib — and added an extra storage for the input texts plus some other tooling lately.

There are two most prominent open source libraries for LLM-based pipelines & applicationsLangChain and LlamaIndex, founded with a month difference in October and November 2022, respectfully, inspired by the ChatGPT launch and having gained massive adoption in 2023.

The purpose of this article is to systemise the key advanced RAG techniques with references to their implementations — mostly in the LlamaIndex — in order to facilitate other developers’ dive into the technology.

The problem is that most of the tutorials cherry-pick one or several techniques and explain in details how to implement them rather than decribing the full variety of the avaliable tools .

Another thing is that both LlamaIndex and LangChian are amazing open source projects, developing at such a pace that their documentation is already thicker than a machine learning textbook in 2016.

Naive RAG

The starting point of the RAG pipeline in this article would be a corpus of text documents — we skip everything before that point, leaving it to the amazing open source data loaders connecting to any imaginable source from Youtube to Notion.

A scheme by author, as well all the schemes further in the text


Vanilla RAG case in brief looks the following way: you split your texts into chunks, then you embed these chunks into vectors with some Transformer Encoder model, you put all those vectors into an index and finally you create a prompt for an LLM that tells the model to answers user’s query given the context we found on the search step.

In the runtime we vectorise user’s query with the same Encoder model and then execute search of this query vector against the index, find the top-k results, retrieve the corresponding text chunks from our database and feed them into the LLM prompt as context.

The prompt can look like that:

def question_answering(context, query):
    prompt = f"""
                Give the answer to the user query delimited by triple backticks ```{query}```\\
                using the information given in context delimited by triple backticks ```{context}```.\\
                If there is no relevant information in the provided context, try to answer yourself, 
                but tell user that you did not have any relevant context to base your answer on.
                Be concise and output the answer of size less than 80 tokens.

    response = get_completion(instruction, prompt, model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
    answer = response.choices[0].message["content"]
    return answer

Prompt engineering is the cheapest thing you can try to improve your RAG pipeline. Make sure you’ve checked a quite comprehensive OpenAI prompt engineering guide.